Shipping Policy
1. Shipping is free worldwide for all orders.
2. Our Standard shipping terms is Registered Airmail with tracking number. Orders will be dispatched from India within 2-3 days from the time you make purchase.
3 General Delivery estimate from the date of dispatch are as follows for different countries:
India: 6-10 days
UK: 10-12 days
USA: 16 to 18 days (AK, PR, HI, may take longer up to 25 days)
Australia: 15 days
Russia: 22 days
Lithuania, Belarus, Bulgaria, Kazakhstan, Ukraine: 25 to 28 days
Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Estonia, Azerbaijan, Armenia: 22 to 25 days
Western Europe: 12-18 days
Israel: 18-20 days
Turkey: 16 to 20 days
Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines: 15 to 20 days
Singapore: 10 to 12 days
Japan: 10 to 12 days
Sri Lanka: 10 days
Thailand: 16 to 18 days
Argentina: 28 to 30 days
Brazil: 25 to 27 days
Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, El Salvador, Panama: 22 to 27 days
All other countries: 25 to 30 days
** Delivery estimates are in general and work in 98% of the orders. Two percent of the orders may sometimes get delayed due to postal/Custom complexities and reasons beyond our control and knowledge. Occasionally during heavy snow in winter or festivals in India or say Christmas holidays in your countries, delivery may take a little longer than the general estimate.
5. In case your product is lost in transit or does not reach you within 45 days, we would refund you 100% on 46th day of dispatch. Although from our experience, we assure you that 99.9% of the item always reaches and reaches in time.
6. Orders are processed every day excluding Sundays and public holidays in India.